Everett History
- When Everett Junior High School opened in 1928, Lincoln had a total of about 13,000 students. The original structure, which was built for a cost $314,507 was to accommodate 600 junior high students.
- The school was named for Edward Everett, an American statesman, orator, and scholar who lived from 1794-1865. Everett was a U.S. Congressman, Governor of Massachusetts, a U.S. Senator, Minister to England, President of Harvard University and a candidate for President.
- Before the junior high school facility was constructed, an elementary school was built in the late 1800’s at the corner of 12th and C street. With renovations completed in 1992, the site returns to its original use as an elementary school location.
- The following information will give you some idea about Everett and our surrounding community. We are very proud of who we are and what we do for our students and families
- Everett was built in 1928. In 1991 the building went through an addition, renovation, and restoration costing approximately five million dollars.
- Student enrollment is approximately 526, preschool through fifth grade.
- We are a School Wide Title 1 school.
- 41% of our students participate in the English Language Learners (ELL) program.
- 90% of our students would be classified as coming from impoverished families.
- Approximately 78% of our students are minority students.
- Our mobility rate is approximately 26%.